There are different ways that funds or donations can be deposited and to different types of accounts. Follow the steps below and review the reminders before starting this process.
Custodial Account Deposit
All checks must be made payable to Georgia Tech, with the organization's name in the memo line.
- Bring your collected funds (cash or check(s)) to the SOFO office.
- A SOFO staff member will issue a receipt to the organization for their club records.
- The funds will be deposited to the Bursars Office for posting to the custodial account.
Foundation Account Deposit
All checks must be made payable to Georgia Tech Foundation with your organization's name in the memo line.
Bring or mail your collected funds and check(s) to one of these addresses:
- Student Organization Finance Office
353 Ferst Drive, Suite 233
Atlanta, GA 30332 - 0285 - Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc.
760 Spring Street, NW. Ste 400
Atlanta, GA 3030
A SOFO staff member will issue a receipt to the organization for their club records.

- Any check that is dated over 60 days old may be returned or not processed and an explanation will be needed.
- Your account will be charged $25-30 in bank fees for any invalid check or insufficient fund check.
- When you have a large amount of cash for deposit, please make an appointment with SOFO prior to your drop of to ensure that proper handling and secure storage for your funds are available.
Other Methods of Receiving Gifts
- Credit Cards: Please contact Gift Accounting Department at 404-894-5544 for further information and details.
- Online Giving: Fill the Georgia Tech Parent Fund contribution online form.